We independently perform assessments or Building Surveys of existing buildings to investigate any reported building problems and to identify and report on any hidden defects.
This survey will include a visual inspection, taking of photographs and if required non-invasive or invasive moisture meter readings. A report will be compiled with the findings and make recommendations on options available to remedy them
Building Surveying developed as a specific branch of surveying in the 1970s in the UK to establish standards for examining existing buildings.
Within the UK, the knowledge and expertise of the Building Surveyor is well known where they are used not only to offer advice on the best way to refurbish, alter and maintain existing buildings, but also to assist in the design and construction of new buildings.
In New Zealand the Building Surveying profession developed in the late 1990s due to the onset of the “Leaky Building” syndrome, which required detailed weathertightness assessments to be carried out to identify the causes of leaks and to make recommendations on the work required to rectify.
Here in New Zealand, Building Surveyors work with residential, commercial, private and public clients. They are employed for their practical inquiring minds to make assessments of buildings and their defects and their sound understanding of construction practices and property legislation. This enables them to provide relevant, current and expert advice to their clients.

Our lead surveyor, Nick Hickling has worked as a Building Surveyor since 1988 and qualified as a Chartered Building Surveyor (RICS) in 1991. He has worked as a New Zealand Registered Building Surveyor since 2008.
Since obtaining his BSc. Building Surveying degree he has continued to develop his professional skills by attending regular workshops and training days. In 1997 he obtained a Post-graduate Diploma in Arbitration and in 2017 attained a Certificate in Construction Site Safety.
He is a Registered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors (NZIBS) and sat on their Executive Committee between 2011-2013. He is a Certified Weathertightness Surveyor and qualified as a member of the Institute’s Remediation Panel as a Certified Weathertightness Remediation Specialist.
Nick is an Associate Member of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand (AMINZ), a Licensed Building Practitioner (Design 2), Site Safe Advanced Passport holder, a trained Health and Safety Representative and is a Weathertight and Tenancy Support Services Panel Member for the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE).